Who We Are

Sally McIlhone
Sally McIlhone goes by many names. Some even say she looks like Phoebe Waller-Bridge (if she popped out two kids and developed an overactive bladder).
Since giving birth to her eldest son in 2018, Sally has been many different kinds of mum: a single mum, a blended mum, a queer mum, a baby loss mum, a rainbow mum, a hacked-off mum and a mum who is so very, very tired.
Sally has also tried to be a writer for many years, with varying levels of success. She knows how hard it is to be heard as a mum – especially when people think your brain has fallen out of your foof along with your kids.
She loves storytelling and helping women through the power of community. That’s why she founded Every Other Mother – to celebrate the creativity of women who are being overlooked and unappreciated while raising the next generation.
She can’t wait to hear from mums who want to tell their stories at our events in London and Hampshire. After all, mums (and people who have birthed children) are f*cking incredible. It’s about time they were treated as such.
Violet Malice
Violet Malice is no stranger to rumpy pumpy and where that ends up if the whale enters the car lot.
Having transformed into a mother, she is trying to work out what the hell is happening. In doing so, she has been reunited with Sally to create a much-needed space for mothers to find their voices and hear each other’s stories. Stories that need to be spoken and heard and held.
We are inviting every single mother, biological or otherwise, to join us and listen and share, if you’d like.
We are hoping to create a community of creative mothers that helps us all to celebrate, record and survive this great transformation.